How To Create ArcProgressBar In Android(Kotlin)

Manish Singh
1 min readJun 14, 2021


In this Tech-Article, We will Implement ArcProgressBar In Android(Kotlin). There is Two Way to Implement ArcProgressBar In Android.

  1. By creating a custom view.
  2. By using android library.

In This Article, We will use the easiest way to Implement ArcProgressbar. We will use ArcProgressbar_lib Library For Implement ArcProgressbar.

Created By Github:-Marvel999

Add repo. In Project build. Gradle File

Add repo. In Module build. Gradle File

Add This code In Activity XML File

Use an app: before adding a tag. Use command ctrl+click on any app: tag to know more about the tag and its documentation(comment) provided by the library creator.

Change Progress of Progressbar during run time using Kotlin

The name is explaining It’s work like

  1. setColor -> It set Background color of progressbar.
  2. setProgressThikness -> To Change thikness of Progressbar.
  3. setProgressBackgroundColor -> To change color of arc before Progress.
  4. setProgressColor -> To Change color for indicating Progress.
  5. setProgress -> To Set Progress At runtime(Without Animation).
  6. setProgressWithAnimation -> This will change progress from the initial position to final position with smooth animation.

I hope this is helpful for you.

Thank you



Manish Singh
Manish Singh

Written by Manish Singh

I am passionated Android developer. Helping other with my skill give me fulfillment in myself.

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